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During my Facebook Live last Wednesday I made a few card ‘on the fly’. I had a couple of ideas for using the LOTS TO CELEBRATE STAMP SET.

Well, if you want to see what it’s like to make lots of mistakes that need to be fixed LIVE!

Check it out – it’s a hoot –

My first card was a case of adhesive errors and sticky fingers. The end result was alright but not my best work.

This next cards definitely needs to have a makeover!

The blank white under the mason jar domes is too bland and the spacing between the jars is off.

Tomorrow, I’ll show the final result of my second attempt.

Thanks for popping by … happy stamping.

These are the products I used to make the first card. If you live in Australia, you can order any f them through me.

Product List
Jar Punch
Paper Snips
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