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I have uploaded this month’s HOST CODE – it is  TTCMM6XH.

What is that you ask?

When placing an order under $250 through my online store be sure to add the monthly host code when completing your transaction, you will see a box on the lower left of the screen.

Each month a new code is generated and posted on my website and soon to be sent in a newsletter. By adding the host code you receive a little thank you gift and handmade card posted to you the following month.

There is more information under the header Shop or Join Now above.

Now, I mentioned a newsletter just before. I have just added a NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION FORM and will be emailing my first newsletter (in years) using Mailchimp as my platform. So, if you would like to receive regular information, ideas and project instructions look for it in the header About mmm and you will find it in my drop down menu.

I look forward to adding this new feature to my business.

Thanks for popping by … happy stamping.

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