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I have not posted for a couple of days because I have been attending OnStage@Home. It ran from Thursday through to Saturday, and then I spent another couple of days finishing off projects and re-watching presentations – although we could not attend in person, there were still so many amazing presentations and business development activities.

I was very fortunate to be invited to join a group of demonstrators on Friday and Saturday to share the experience. The wonderful Bec Ross reached out and invited me to join some of her team. Bec and I first met when we were selected to be two of the three Queensland Demonstrators on the Inaugural Demonstrator Council (New Zealand/Queensland).


This morning I worked on my weekly planner to set my goals for the week ahead. I map out tasks, stamp sets to use for projects/posts, my Facebook Live focus/products and other ‘to do’ tasks. Once this is recorded, my first task is to prepare for my Facebook Live presentation. This way, I know that I am ready for Wednesday morning – my projects are completed and materials are prepared for the Live event. I used to do some ‘on the fly’ projects but I felt that this was not what crafters watching would like to see – perhaps in the future I’ll add another Live to my schedule – it could be called FRIDAY ON THE FLY.

For me, knowing that Wednesday is Remembrance Day, I chose to dust off my PAINTED POPPIES and PEACEFUL MOMENTS STAMP SETS and their coordinating dies.

I have made two cards and a decor item that I will share on Wednesday.

One of the cards is a THANK YOU card and I have decided to show it today as part of the DEMONSTRATOR TRAINING PROGRAM BLOG HOP for NOVEMBER 2020. At the moment, I have only made one but will make as many more as I need to send to my customers who place an order this month.

I wanted to use the poppies, that are synonymous with World War 1 remembrance, for a thank you card. I plan to give this card, and a decor item that I will share on Wednesday, to a local RSL as my thanks for those Service Men and Women who ensured our safety.

My husband, Rob, and I have been very fortunate to travel wide and far. An age ago, 2008, we spent time with three other Australian couples trekking the Tour du Mont Blanc (an 11 day trek). After we finished this challenging experience, Rob and I headed to Belgium. For the majority of our stay, we were based in a gorgeous BnB just outside Ypres.

Rob has an extensive knowledge of modern history and was in his element as we visited site after site, connected to WW1 and the role the Australian Armed Forces took part in. I could keep adding comments here about our experiences, sufficed to say, there are so many opportunities to learn how the people of Europe appreciate the role our young Aussie men played in their freedom.

I will not share any product information today as I do not think it appropriate. Please feel free to contact me for details.

Thanks for popping by … happy stamping.