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I really enjoy making 3D projects, especially gift boxes.

Today’s gift box is designed to hold 6 notecards and envelopes. It is also a’flat fold’ gift box. Let me show you what I mean.

This gift box holds the 6 notecards and envelopes that I shared last Saturday and Sunday.

The box has been made using the same Designer Series Paper and coordinating cardstock. It is a ‘flat fold’ box because no adhesive has been used to create a permanent 3D box structure. Once the Evening Evergreen OPen Weave Ribbon bow is untied, the box opens out completely.

There is enough space to position the notecards and envelopes, as you can see. The ‘side flaps’ of the front panel tuck in behind the cards. You could adhere these into position to make a more premanent construction.

For this project, I only added DSP panels to the central panels of the box. As you can see, I have ensured that the continuity of the design wraps continuously through the box panels.

Before I adhered the front DSP piece, I secured a length of Evening Evergreen Open Weave Ribbon so that it could be tied in a bow the hold the front flap down.

3D projects don’t always need ahuge number of products to createthe finished result.

Tomorrow is Fun Fold Friday and I’m not sure what I will create yet. Thank goodness for 24 hours!

UNtil tomorrow, happy stamping.

If you live in Australia, you can order any of the products I used to make this card by going to my online store. Just click on any of the images below.

Product List
Paper Snips
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